PLR Licence C
You can use these artwork files for your personal or commercial projects.
- You can use these files to create graphics for your personal or commercial social media posts, blogs, and website designs.
- You can use these files as part of a new product, such as a workbook, phone case cover, sticker, or graphic t-shirt.
- You can sell any new product created using these files to your customers, including illustrated books, digital planners, and home decor, as long as you refrain from selling the files or modified files as stand-alone products.
You CANNOT resell, share, claim, transfer, loan, copy, or give away any of these FILES as any kind of stand-alone product.
- You cannot sell the original or modified versions of these files.
- You cannot sell the original or modified version of these files as part of another clip art or artwork set.
- You cannot publish or share the original or modified version of these files anywhere that allows others to download, extract, or redistribute them as stand-alone files.
- You cannot claim the original or modified version of these files as your own work.
- You cannot give away, sell, or transfer your Private Label Rights to any third party.
Usage is regularly monitored to prevent abuse. Any violation of these Terms of Use will be considered copyright infringement and will be reported.