PLR Licence A
You can use this source file as a template for your personal or commercial projects, or you have the option to resell a MODIFIED version of the source file as your own.
- You can use the source file to create finished products for your personal and commercial projects.
- You can sell a MODIFIED version of the source file or end product export with personal use rights.
- You can package a MODIFIED version of the source file or end product export with other products.
- You can add a MODIFIED version of the source file or end product export to paid membership sites.
- You can give away a MODIFIED version of the source file or end product export to your subscribers, members, or customers as a freebie, bonus, or gift.
You CANNOT resell, share, claim, transfer, loan, copy, or give away the original, un-modified SOURCE FILE in any way.
- You cannot sell the original source file without making any changes to it.
- You cannot sell the original or modified source file with any form of resale rights.
- You cannot add the original or modified source file to FREE membership sites.
- You cannot trademark or copyright the original or modified source file.
- You cannot give away, sell, or transfer your Private Label Rights to any third party.
Usage is regularly monitored to prevent abuse. Any violation of these Terms of Use will be considered copyright infringement and will be reported.